<em>Paze Pulse</em> Report Consumer Online Shopping Preferences

Paze Pulse◊ Report Consumer Online Shopping Preferences

Consumer behavior is rapidly evolving when it comes to online checkout. Paze◊ teamed up with Murphy Research to conduct research that unearthed a new set of consumer research insights that showcase the online checkout opportunities, frictions and consumer behaviors that are driving changes in the space for merchants and financial institutions.

The “Paze Pulse◊ Report: Consumer Online Shopping Preferences” study aims to:

  • Understand consumer preferences when it comes to check out while shopping online and choosing a way to pay
  • Understand the impact of the customer payment experience on customer engagement with merchants
  • Establish a benchmark metric for usage, preferences, and pain points to be monitored over time

Offered by participating banks and credit unions, Paze is a convenient way to checkout online that enables users to make purchases online without having to input actual card numbers, set up a username or download an app.

We encourage you to read more about the insights from our first annual “Paze Pulse◊ Report: Consumer Online Shopping Preferences.”